
So here is how it all began. . .

My wife, lets call her “R”, and I got married in May, a week after I graduated law school.  I was fortunate to have a job lined up with the federal government.  The catch is that this job is over a thousand miles away from our old home.  And, R has a job at the old home, and can’t leave that job until October.  My job starts in August.  So, we do what many people do nowadays, try out a long distance marriage (fortunately, only temporary).

R and I get ready to move.  I will be bringing all of our wordly possessions up to the new city, and put them in a storage shed.  R will live with friends in the old town.  We have a yard sale.  We pack.  We organize.  We pack in an organized fashion.  We have a very planned out move.  But only for the leaving part of it.  We didn’t plan much on the arriving side.

I arrive in New City about 3 days before the new job begins.  That arrival date is about 3 days behind schedule.  I planned on finding a temporary sublet via Craigslist to do until October.  That way, I would have a chance to investigate New City and make sure we sign a year long lease in a location that is convenient for the commute, the dogs, and all else.

Except, by the time I arrive in New City, I have had an idea.  Why go through the trouble of finding a sublet or extended stay hotel when I can just camp out?  I like camping.  I like to fish.  And I am no longer in a state that has 100+ degree heat and flying cockroaches that live naturally in the wild.   This could be enjoyable.

So, I begin my two month (ish) stint as a nomadic tent dweller.  My wife says that most people call this homelessness.  But I disagree.  This is an adventure.

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